Monday, October 13, 2014

Platform 9 3/4

Ah, blogging. Isn't it lovely.

Why, hello there! My name is Kenny and I'm just your average obnoxious white girl who wants to be artsy and such. But I am far from it. lol. I also have quite a problem with actually saying things like "lol" and "tbh". 

But right now I am watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Why I had a random urge to start a blog about nothing I do not know. But what I do know is HP is bae. (white girl flaw) Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if the wizarding world was for real. What would it be like to lift objects with the flick of your wand. I can tell you that I would probably never stand up again. No more having to groan while I attempt to reach the remote without standing! (I know you do it too)... Or I could repair anything (like Hermoine just did to Harry's glasses).

What if I was as famous as Harry Potter???

I would be the worst famous person ever. I would always end up saying the wrong thing or fall down etc. The press would have a field day with me though... They would probably love making fun of me. I can guarantee you that I would be all over Saturday Night Live.

Tbh my computer is about to die... I guess I end this here?

Well, I think I'm done with this for now. Teeheeeeeee. 

Good-bye for now :) -Kenny

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